Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Week Four

This is has to be absolutely one of my most favorite holidays. Its one filled with reflection and hearts filled with love and thankfulness. Each year I look forward to having a day spent with family form beginning to end and to just think that everyone else is out there doing the same thing is really something special. 

Over the past month I've expressed my thankfulness for the most important things in my life. Everything from my God, my Mom, Moses & Logan, and my family. Today I just want to take a minute to share my gratitude for a few other aspects of my life. 

I am thankful for my friends, each and everyone of them.These are friendships that I hold so dear to my heart and I can't imagine not having these people in my life. They understand me and they love me for me. They are friends who understand that I often forget to text you back and there are times when the busyness of life just gets the best of me but nonetheless we are there for one another.  I am so grateful that we are able to just pick up where we left off every time we see each other and that these friendships have been able to grow and we've each become more like family than just friends.They are the ones who know when somethings bothering me and they know exactly what to say to cheer me up. I love you guys and I appreciate each of you so much! Each of you are such blessing to me and I really can't say that enough! 

Then theres our home. Our home that we dreamed about since before we were married. A home that we prayed for, that we searched for, that we held our breath and took a chance on. This is a home that is filled with love, that we pray is filled with family and laughter and memories. We hope to raise logan in this home and to grow old here. God has truly blessed this house and we continuously pray for Gods hand to continue to be over this home and those who enter it. Its come such a long way from its pink carpet and seafoam green tile days. Like we always said our doors are open and we want you to feel welcomed and at home at our house. May it be strong and protective and cozy all at the same time.So we thank the Lord for the roof that we have over our family & pray for blessings to be over this home and those who enter it.  

Both Moe & I are so thankful for the jobs that we have. The fact that we have jobs is such a blessing.  Being a working mom isn't easy by any means but the fact that I am blessed with the opportunity to help provide for our family is something I am so proud to be able to this for our family. We both ask for Gods blessing over the companies we work for because they have both been so good to us.

I am thankful for the lessons learned this year, for the way I feel I have been able to grow personally, spiritually, as a mother, wife, sister and friend. It hasn't always been easy and I've made my share of mistakes and for those mistakes I'm sorry (if i haven't apologized). Ive realized I am far from perfect but because of that I know that God is still working on me & through him I am able to continue to change and become better. To be able to say that where I am today is not where I was yesterday or where i will be tomorrow, because tomorrow is a new day, a new blessing, and a new chance to make it a great day through Gods grace! 

I am so grateful for all the memories we've made this past year and all the fun that 2015 has been for us. Looking back we've been able to do so much and have so much fun with Logan, our families and our friends! It makes me realized how much God has truly blessed us and that even though there are battles we face and valleys we travel through there are so many more good things that have happened to us this year and for that I am content. I am confident that we have a God that is good and that when I look back on this year I see so many ways that his hand has been at work. I look back and I'm able to see how many moments of joy he's put in our our lives and our hearts whether it be outings with my boys or the births of new nieces and nephews, family bbq's, mini getaways, date nights, holidays spent with loved one or just simple quiet nights. This year has been good so good and I cannot wait to see where 2016 leads us. 

Today is a day to reflect and to be thankful for all the blessings in our lives, for our families, our friends and all the things that God has provided us with. Enjoy today and the time you have with family & remember that through it all God is good and He deserves our praises because all good things come from him. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

With Love

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