Sunday, December 11, 2016

Oh Christmas Tree

The Christmas Season is finally here! In our house I make a point to let Thanksgiving have its holiday and not rush into setting up Christmas until the first week of December. So like every year we take in all Thanksgiving has to offer and come that first weekend we gear up and prep to start CHRISTMAS! 

First things first I go through the attic and pull out my what seems to be growing collections of ornaments...we used to have one box now we've grown to two filled with ornaments and one with other holiday decor. As I sit staring at these boxes I can't help but realize the memories that come back with those ornaments, that since we've gotten married we've had 6 Christmas trees together moe & I (there was that one year in the middle of the remodel and living at the apartment that we didnt have a tree at our home but we did have one at moms to enjoy).With each tree came more ornaments, new additions, each showing tidbits of our personalities. Each year our tree tends to become fuller and fuller with these ornaments and I hope to not stop but to keep adding, cause overtime we have added stormtroopers, reading owls, and shotgun shells to our tree, but as well as ornaments collected with the message of what Christmas is really about and what its true meaning is to our family which is the birth of our Savior. These trees are a stories of our families a bit each of our personalities all bunched together in a beautiful collection for the world to see. 


 I know a lot of people go back and forth on wether to get a real tree or go good quality this house we only do real trees. Theres just something about the fullness, the smell, the almost but not so perfect shape. Growing up we maybe did a fake tree a few years but the majority of the time mom always had a real tree up for the holidays. I love them and everything about them! Nothing beats the smell of that fresh cut tree when you walk into the house. 

So off to Meinke's garden center ( go like every year...and let me tell you they have the best trees in the area! Every year we take home a beautiful tree so of course we go see our friends over there year after year. This year unlike years past we literally walked in saw this big full beautiful tree and all 3 of us said "YUP! Thats the one) joke the first tree that we saw we took home! Aside from our big tree in the house we decided to get two smaller ones for the outside, so we're all about our trees this year! 

Logan had a blast helping decorate all 3 trees! Probably what made it feel even more special was that the day we decided to get everything up and decorated was the first time we had legit snow this season! 
Each morning the first thing Logan does is run down the stairs and updates our countdown! I don't know about you but we love countdowns in our house, I guess with an actual physical countdown up we're able to make events more fun, more exciting! So when we were picking up extra lights for our tree (cause theres no such thing as too many lights durning Christmas time) this adorable Martha Stewart countdown ( my eye and we just had to get it! Love how it fits the bookshelf just perfectly and its a fun way for Logan to countdown to his most favorite holiday.

I love how everything turned out this year, how Logan was so much more excited, and the fact that he was able to have his first snowball fight of the year the day that the house is getting ready for the Christmas! We have our countdown up...our tree set...santa already got his list from Logan for  the year...and Christmas cards have been mailed. Now we wait patiently for December 25th to come. 


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here we are again my most favorite time of the year! Theres something about the holiday season that just makes you feel overcome with this sense of happiness and gratitude regardless of how challenging this past year has been. At least thats how I feel. Every year around this time I start to reminisce on the year thats coming to an end, and during this time of reflection there are so many things that come to mind that I'm thankful for, that even though this past year has definitely had its struggles there are so many more positive things to be thankful for than not. It really isnt hard to come up with a few things that I would want to express gratitude for this year so I figured it be fitting to share some of those with you today. 

I am beyond thankful for my family. This past year has been a tough one for us all but through Gods grace and putting our trust completely in him we came out victorious. Mom was diagnosed with cancer last October and as that news dawned upon us one thing that was never shaken was our faith. We know that we have a strong and powerful God who hears our prayers and will never let us down. I am so beyond grateful this year that He has kept mom strong during her fight and can say that after her last scans there is no sign of the cancer. God is good and He truly does not let us down. I am thankful for my mom, she has show me personally what it means to have hope and not give up even when you're in the midst of your toughest battle, you don't give you. You rise above and you stay strong and you pray! You pray and you put your faith in God because everything is in his hands and theres no better place than that! I am blessed with an amazing family who I am so proud to call my own. Then theres my dad who is probably one of the most hard working men I know, always willing to help and will never say no when you need him. He is the best grandpa and his love for his children is never ending. My brother and sister who although we may not be the over affectionate type love each other deeply and will always be that support for each other and I cannot in any way imagine my life without those two. Michael J Fox said "Family isnt an important thing. Its everything" and I couldn't agree more! 

I am thankful to have a job I actually really really enjoy! To have been blessed with so many open doors since making the jump to a new company just about 2 years ago! God has been good and has really blessed me with the chance to work with an amazing team and to have an actual job I like to go to everyday. Being a working mom is hard its takes a lot of balancing and its not for everyone, but for me at least theres something so rewarding to be able to help provide for our family. I am grateful that I have found that balance because for as long as I remember I have never wanted the whole burden of providing for our family to all be on Moes shoulders and to be able to have had a door open within a company as great as this one I am so so thankful. It also helps that I have an amazing boss and a fantastic team to work with everyday! God has been good this year and Im constantly asked by my drivers why I'm always so happy...why is it that I'm always smiling...and they look truly intrigued when they answer is always simple..."why not be happy? Things could be so much worse." I am lucky to be able to say I actually like my job and although not everyday is easy it could be so much worse so why not just look at the positives and happy...and make the most of our days. 

My boys. Oh my boys. Those two are my reason for everything. I love them more than I can even begin to tell you. I have an amazing husband who works so hard for our family. He is the most patient man I know, he has the biggest heart of anyone I know and I am blessed to call him mine. Its crazy to think that were coming up on 15 years together and each year gets better and better. I almost can't believe how lucky I am to be able to grow old with this man. God has been so good to me blessing me with him because he really is my better half and I will continue to choose love everyday. 

Then theres Logan. Where do I even start. He is such an absolutely amazing little boy! He brings so much joy, laughter, happiness, and love into this family. He is smart and charismatic  so filled with life, making each day so much more exciting! My once 5lb miracle baby is now an almost 6 year old half way through kindergartener, who teaches me patience, love, understanding, and what it means to have a childlike faith again! He is my everything and I will forever do everything in my power to be the best mom that I can be because if theres anything I can do is give him the best childhood he could ever have! To know that he is always loved, he will always have a place to run to, that its ok to be adventurous and live life, to make mistakes and learn from them. I will do everything I can to give him as much as I can. God has blessed me with the chance to called a mother and my prayer is that I can be the best one that I can but just the fact that I get to be called mom is a blessing in and of itself. 

There are so many other people I am thankful for who have been such great friends to us and I couldn't imagine not having such an amazing community of friends and family to call our own. Each one of them God has put into my life for a reason and I love each and everyone of you and so grateful to call you each my friends! 

2016 has also been a year of personal growth. I set out this past year to focus on getting healthy and becoming the best me that I can become. As the end of the year is nearing I can say that I have accomplished those goals. I know that change takes time and that this is just year one and with that being said the main focus of this year was to focus on being healthy. Becoming healthier not only physically but spiritually, emotionally, and also continuing to build healthy relationships, focusing on making time for one another and for myself. I am thankful that God has lead me through this year with a very positive outlook on it all. That even when I would hit my walls or things would bring me down He gave me strength to keep going, to work hard, to not give up. I am thankful that as I near my 30's I am confident in who I am and how God is working in my life. He has done so much already and I know he has great plans for me. I am so grateful to have a God who is working on me who knows exactly what my heart needs and who has always and will always be there.

To be able to be here, be healthy & be happy all while being surrounded by those who I love is absolutely what I'm most thankful for this year. 
So today I hope you enjoy time with your loved ones & thank you for those who take the time to read my thoughts and little blurbs. 

with love

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Magic Chicken its not magic...but it sure is easy! 

When chicken is the main protein source in this house its easy for it to start getting a little bland and boring! so ive been on the hunt for new ways to prepare chicken for the boys & myself. Off to the magical land of pinterets for ideas and inspiration....cause lets be honest pinterest IS the new google...ok maybe not for everyone...but for me...yes pinterest is the new google in my life...

I came across a recipe for One Pan Parmesan Garlic Chicken with Veggies from and let me tell you this dish is life changing! You guys need to check this out!

Not only was this dish absolutely delicious but it was quick and easy to make & this working mom LOVES that! I mean come on after working 8+ hours a day who really wants to spend more than 40 minutes or so in the kitchen after work? Id much rather be winding down the day with legos...or playing jurassic world, catching up on my book...or even *gasp* surfing pinterest for EVEN more the fact that this entire meal is A.Cooked on one pan B. finished in 40 minutes from start to finish and C. Healthy and Yummy make this a new staple in our house! 

The chicken was cooked to perfection and the veggies were seasoned so nicely even the boys ate every last bite! Now why did I dub this magic chicken...well let me tell you! Not only is it easy...but it can be used in so many different dishes...I started off following the recipe as it read & again amazing! Next we made chicken parm with the same chicken...again sooo good! Then tonight I whipped up some chicken tenders with the same process...basically this chicken can turn into and work with so many different dishes...pasta...veggies and name it it'll probably go great with it! 

SO thank you @recipecritic for introducing me to what I now call magic chicken! 

Till next time

p.s....follow me on snapchat for step by step recipes and other day to day things and whatnots...
-username- emily.sopt

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sorry its been so's whats new with us...

So I know its been a while since my last post...totally my fault. Seems like life had gotten the best of me and by that I mean there have really not been enough hours in the day. But here are a few updates on whats going on in The Sopt Home.

First off our biggest change was Logan started school. 

Having opted out of preschool and going straight into kindergarten worried me a bit...not being sure how he'd adjust to a school environment and how he'd thrive on this new chapter of his life. Just like always he never ceases to amaze me and even with school he jumped in with both feet into the deep end & he loves it! 

His teachers are constantly telling us what a joy he is and how there isnt a day that goes by that doesn't start with "I'm gonna have a great day!" or "Today will be AWESOME!!". He's not only doing great in terms of making new friends but he's also made such progress in terms of the actual school work and thats whats so great to see! He's an all-star when it comes to math and we're really woking hard in reading and phonics.

So far there hasn't been a day that has gone by where he said he didn't want to go and he looks forward to each new day! We are so grateful for the his teacher and the school that he has been so blessed with. journey to being healthy...the scale hasn't moved much if we're being honest but that doesn't mean I've given up, actually quiet the opposite. Since the beginning my overall goal was to get HEALTHIER and I went in with the understanding that yes it will take a lot of hard work and dedication but also that the number on the scale may not always go down as quickly as I would like for it to and thats ok. Being healthy isnt something that can be quantified by a number per say. In my opinion healthy is feeling good, having more energy, and being unashamed of who I am and what my body is. 

So have I given up because the scale isn't moving as of course not because losing 30+ lbs is a big deal, its a big change and I'm proud of that I hoping on that scale weekly...not anymore because theres more to life that the constant obsession of that number. So no I have not given up I'm still working hard & trying my best but I'm also focusing on how to be happy, content, and proud of who I am and the body that God has blessed me with.  

Life gets busy...and its easy to forget to check in...but let me tell you we have had a great summer and fall...and really those are the seasons where we find ourselves focused on family. Finding activities to fill our weekends and trying to show Logan how to have fun while being unplugged, the way that we did growing up. 

Our summer was filled with a trip to Canada,mutiple says spent at the splash pads & finding ways to explore our city all while taking in every moment we could of the beautiful summer weather we were blessed with. 

Our fall consisted of starting school, finishing our first 5k, losing 2 teeth, a family wedding, two close friends having beautiful baby girls, trips to the pumpkin patch, the cubs winning the world series & a new president was elected (#MAGA)! Now its time to focus on how to just let go and enjoy the time we have with each other all the while continuing to live healthy and happy lives. 

So thats whats been keeping us busy. Im so excited to be back and hope you're excited to continue to read. Check back in a few days for around up of some of our favorite new recipes...specifically our fave new chicken dish which I've dubbed Magic're gonna wanna check that this one out! 

Till next time! 


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

New School Year Prayer Challenge

We’re down to our last 30 days before Logan officially starts school! This is super exciting for us since he’s been talking about it since April when we registered! While were are counting down the days (all the while wishing that summer could last a little bit longer) this new chapter is one that is also bringing a bit of anxiety for this mamma.

The anxiousness isn’t because of being worried about how Logan will adjust and how hell do I think it’s just the normal wave of emotions that come with the realization that your baby really isn’t a baby anymore and he’s starting this new journey and that he’s actually growing up faster than I could have imagined. 

I am confident that over the last 5 years Moe and I have been able to teach Logan good values, morals, and lessons along the way. Instilling in him the importance of our faith and how important it is to walk like Christ in our daily lives. Wanting to remind not only Logan but ourselves that each day is a blessing from God and that we are to walk boldly in our faith with our armor on and ready to face the battles that this world may throw at us.  I truly believe that by having complete trust in God and fervently praying over Logan, over our children, over our families, God will protect us through these new chapters in our lives and in our children’s lives.

Prayer is a part of our household, a part of who we are and it’s something that we have taught Logan is important since he was a baby, each night we pray together and it’s a time where we set a side together as family to come before God and spend time with him. As a mom my prayers for Logan began even before he was born, and with each day my prayers for him continue and especially now with this new adventure my prayers for him have started to also focus in on this coming school year. We feel that through prayer we have a special connection with God and truly we believe that he hears our prayers, calms our worries, and reassures us of his love for us. The idea that the God who created this entire world, who has set aside plans for each and every one of us, who knows all of our hearts desires, our wants, and our needs is listening to our prayers, is a father with open arms waiting to hear from us, waiting to listen to our days and that’s pretty amazing. Our God is listening to my prayers. Whoa! So when I come before him and I pray for my family, my husband, my son, when I bring before him my worries, my fears, my desires, there’s a sense of relief that comes over me because this is the same God who protects even the tiniest of creatures is also without a doubt caring for me as well and hearing me as well. 

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you"Jeremiah 29:12 

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us" 1 John 5:14

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"Philippians 4:6-7

So I know myself and I know that Im all about lists and plans and that just the way that things work best for me. So off to pinterest I went (cause its my go to aside from google) and came across a post from who had a great post including a 30 pay prayer plan for the new school year! So for these next 30 days I encourage you to join me during these next 30 days to take this prayer challenge with me. Whether your little’s are returning to school or starting for the first time. Whether its daycare, preschool, grammar school, high school, or college. Lets come together and pray for our kiddos, their classmates, their teachers, their principals and their school. 

Oh and on a side note!!! Enjoy the rest of summer cause were down to less than a month left! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather while you still can! 

30 Days of Prayer for the New School Year

Day 1- Spiritually
Pray that your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life.
Day 2- Relationship to the teacher
Pray that your child will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and will act respectful of all authority figures.
Day 3- Relationship to peers
Pray that your child will develop a close bond with his peers and that he/she will choose friends wisely.
Day 4- Wisdom
Pray that your child will develop the ability to discern right from wrong and put it into practice on a daily basis.
Day 5- Conviction
Pray that your child will be convicted by sin and be found out when he/she does wrong.
Day 6- Honesty
Pray that your child will desire to be honest, even when it’s hard or when he/she gets into trouble.
Day 7- Kindness
Pray that your child will treat others with kindness, even when it is not popular.
Day 8- Compassion
Pray that your child will be compassionate, and show the love of Jesus to those who are hurting.
Day 9- Being a servant
Pray that your child learns to be a servant and sees the beauty of being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Day 10- Humility
Pray that your child learns to be humble and not to brag about his/her success.
Day 11- Desire to learn
Pray that your child will develop a love of learning and desire to be a life-long learner.
Day 12- Strongest subject
Pray that your child will be challenged in his/her strongest subject and will be pushed out of his/her comfort zone.
Day 13- Weakest subject
Pray that your child will make progress and tremendous growth in an area of weakness.
Day 14- Confident learner
Pray that your child will be confident in his/her abilities as a student.
Day 15- Learning issues exposed
Pray that any learning issues or suspected weakness will be brought to light.

Day 16- Emotional growth

Pray that your child will mature in emotional stability and be comforted as their faith deepens in understanding.

Day 17- Sensitivity

Pray that your child will have a tender spirit and be will to help those in need.

Day 18- Evangelical spirit

Pray that your child will be excited to share the message of Jesus, no matter the cost.

Day 19- Become a good listener

Pray that God will open the ears of your child to hear the
teacher and an open heart to listen to others.

Day 20- Self-control

Pray that your child will learn self-control and have the discipline to use it in even the toughest of situations.

Day 21- Think before speaking

Pray that your child will learn to guard their tongue and to think about words before speaking aloud.

Day 22- Guarded mind

Pray that your child will have a guarded mind and thoughts of the Lord will be planted, and not be easily uprooted.

Day 23- Softened heart

Pray that your child has a softened heart towards the gospel and will hear the good news with open ears.

Day 24- Quick to forgive

Pray that your child will be quick to extend grace when a wrong has been done to him/her.

Day 25- Slow to anger

Pray that your child will have a long fuse and not anger easily.

Day 26- Joy

Pray that your child will experience the joy of the Lord and not look for happiness in the things of the world.

Day 27- Strength

Pray that your child will have the strength to do what is right and do grow in physical strength as well.

Day 28- Safety

Pray that your child will be safe in sports, and on the playground.

Day 29- Protection

Pray that God will protect your child from harm’s way.

Day 30- Balance

Pray that your child will learn to balance responsibilities in school, home, and life with God’s help and strength.