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Introducing Hunter Wyatt Sopt Born: 7/27/2017 6lbs 6oz 19 inches |
Since finding out we were expecting our sweet Hunter boy I constantly sat in prayer. Prayer not only for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, a bond between both my boys, for Logan to be a great big brother & for our hearts to be filled with a love we could only be blessed with my God.
With Logan I labored for a good 14 hours drug free and an additional 3 after that with an epidural before the doctors called for an emergency c-section. The only labor I know is via c-section, which is ok because I know what to expect and I had a great team of doctors work on me back then. Recovery was great and I was thankful to have been able to delivery a healthy beautiful baby boy 6 years ago.
This time around I made it known to my team of doctors that I really wanted to try for a VBAC. I wanted to do everything I possibly could to experience a birth not via c-section. I was blessed to be in the care of doctors who supported my decision and were respectful towards my choice, they provided me with all the information I needed before hand. We looked at all the factors and although my chances of a successful VBAC weren't 100% (mostly because of a narrow pelvis & that with Logan I stopped progressing at 4cm) they gave me a good probability of success if I wanted to try & we knew where we would call for a c-section if needed. I can't tell you again how grateful I was and am to have such a great team of doctors by our side! They were truly a blessing!
As we approached 36 weeks my nerves and anxiety were a bit higher because that's where Logan decided to make his grand entrance into our lives and all I knew was to have a little one at 36 weeks so we were well prepared and ready to go at 36! Well we passed 36 and made it into 37!!
37 weeks was all new territory!! Feeling great and thankful to have made into what doctors consider full term I was more and more excited to meet our little man!! All I wanted to do that week is walk...walk everywhere...I couldn't stand still...I needed to walk and move! Well all that walking sure did the trick because come Wednesday morning I woke up feeling a bit of leaking happening...in a panic at 430am I wake up moe telling him I was leaking and although not much it definitely didn't feel like pee (sorry tmi...but isn't all birth stories) and I think I should call the doctors. I call in and the on-call says to be safe I should make my way in...ok so see breath I started to think we'll go in get checked everything will be fine and we'll be sent home for a false alarm.
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37 weeks & 4 days! Our last belly shot the morning of our "false alarm" which turned into the real deal later that night!! |
So I call my cousin who lives super close to head over to just hang out at the house while Logan slept till my mom made her way over. Once that was all settled me and moe made our way to the hospital.
Once getting checked in...no contractions or pain just that random leaking...the doctors come in check me out tell me that it's not amniotic fluid and nothing was pooling...what likely happened is Hunter just was in a lower position and pushed on my bladder in an odd way and that it was normal...back home we go after a few hours of hanging out in labor and delivery...
The rest of the day consisted of taking it easy per doctors orders and the plan was to head back to work Thursday like normal. Later that night just like every Wednesday we made our way into the city to drop off Logan at my moms. All I kept thinking as we got closer is how badly I had to use the bathrooms we get there around 7 and straight to the bathroom I went..and well went and wouldn't stop...this then put me in a panic because it wasn't normal i call my doctor 30 minutes later explaining what I'm feeling and her response was a joyous giggle "em that's your water breaking! It's baby time!" What!!! Just this morning it was a false alarm now it's the real deal!! Giving Logan his final single child kisses and hugs, him reminding me to be brave...we make our way to the hospital...this was it!!! We're on our way to have our much anticipated & prayed for son!!
I will say labor this time although being 28hrs long was a much better experience than my first time. From going through the motions drug free for a bit to a great epidural being administered this time around (which gave me then chance to NAP...yes NAP during the process) to my blood pressures and sugars being beautiful stable throughout. Hunter did great during the process and we were moving along, although slowly we were still progressing. That was till about 930am the next morning. This was where we reached the 4cm mark...the point where labor stopped with Logan...
Now we knew at this point that Hunter was still fairly high and it may be a while before he joined us. We knew that our team of doctors were treating this as if it were our first time so we understood that the whole process could possibly take between 24-36 hours long. A few more hours past as we were close to 18 hours in and still at 4cm and only 70% effaced. We were in no rush to throw in the towel yet since both Hunter & I were doing well so we continue to wait. A few more hours pass and we're at the 22 hour mark at this point the doctors were saying that we would give us a few more hours with hopes of progression but if there was no change what so ever at the 24 hour point we may be looking at a c-section.
My heart was just aching to hold our sweet boy. To have him be delivered healthy into our lives. For me to be healthy and strong. My prayers were that God kept me brace, strong & safe. I thanked Him throughout our whole labor & delivery and asked that he bless the doctors on our team to help us meet Hunter the safest & healthiest way possible. As the hours we're passing and not progress was being made I was brought back to my labor with Logan and deep down I knew that a c-section would be called. I began to then pray for a safe procedure & recovery, that God continue to put his hand upon Hunter & myself as we get closer and closer to finally meeting each other. As hour 24 came and went we were just waiting for the doctor to come and do one last check to see if any progression was made. Hour 26 came and our doctor came in and checked and let us know that since 930 this morning there has been no progression we were still at 4cm and only 70% effaced. A c-section would be their recommendation and the safest way to delivery our sweet boy.
Throughout my whole labor and delivery not one tear was shed till now. I was emotionally tired and ready to meet my sweet son. I'll never understand why I'm not able to deliver naturally and that's ok because Gods plans are bigger and greater than my own and I'm not meant to understand I'm called to trust and have faith in him during all circumstances. So here we are hour 28 (we had to wait for the OR to open up) prepping for my second c-section my husband & my sister by my side ( mom & dad were watching Logan) came together to pray for the doctors and for Hunter & myself as were about to head into surgery. I couldn't be more grateful for the amazing support & prayers from family & friends. Trust me they were most definitely heard!
Moe was so much more confident this time around as he prepped himself to meet me in the OR. Standing strong and brave beside me as I anxiously waiting for our team to start. Here we are bright lights and entire team of not only doctors but nurses and other team members ready to help bring Hunter into our lives. All I remember is laying there shivering waiting for that sweet cry...before I knew it there it was his sweet voice loud and clear and beautiful! Tears of pure joy and a smile bigger than I can explain on my face on Moes face!! He's here!! My sweet Hunter is here!!! Before I knew it what was actual an hour and half procedure felt like 15 minutes! Into recovery we go with my sweet boy on my chest having those moments of skin to skin bonding which with Logan I didn't get. He's here he's beautiful!! I'm in awe of the prayers which were answered!
I was exhausted but so filled with joy and adrenaline that it didn't matter. My heart was so full in this moment! After four and a half years of praying and waiting we had our miracle baby given to us in Gods perfect timing. Logans prayer for a brother answered! Hunter was finally here, healthy, strong, full term and 6lbs 6oz of sweet baby boy to love forever!!
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