Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Let Go and Let God....Part Three forward a few weeks we've made it to the 8 week mark! In we go for our first official prenatal visit. If I were to tell you I wasn't nervous or scared I'd be lying...but right beside me was Moe who I thank the Lord for because he's always there to remind me that everything is ok that all we need is faith and God will always see us through. So first things first we get an ultrasound done to make sure that this little one is growing as they should be. Laying there holding my breathe I wait for the the screen to light up and the tech quickly finds our little miracle! With the biggest sigh of relief and silent prayer of thankfulness there was our baby. The child that not only Moe & I have prayed for but that Logan has been asking God for as well. Our healthy beautiful baby with its strong clear heartbeat right there on the screen for us to see. Its beyond amazing that from something so small we couldn't even see anything BUT an empty sac a few weeks prior to now seeing a little human growing, a little heart beating strong, a little someone bouncing inside me. We were in awe of Gods merciful hand. 

All went well at that visit and off we went hearts so full of joy nothing could bring us down. Now we just waited, waited patiently to get past this first trimester. We decided to wait on telling the world about our amazing news until after we passed that 12 week mark. So for the next 4 weeks we continued to pray, asking God to protect this child, to help this little one grow strong and healthy, under his protection, his love, grace & mercy just as He did with Logan. Those 4 weeks went by as best the can...feeling exhausted, nauseousness here and there, but overall it went well. 

Two things that my doctor did mention that worried me a bit was that my blood pressure was a bit high and my sugar boarderline. Now if theres one thing I know, its that I have horrible white coat syndrome...yes this is a real thing. Whenever I'm in any type of doctors office my blood pressure goes up and then once I'm gone it drops within normal ranges. So after mentioning my doctors concerns to my mom she let me know she had an extra BP machine at home that I can keep to monitor myself over the next month. I basically wanted to show the doctor that my BP is normal as long as I'm not in the office...I also started checking my sugar levels as well again to show her that I am within range. 

As we got to week 12 a bit of spotting came back and a wave of worry came over me. All the while Moe being calm reminded me to have faith and that everything would be ok. We were a week out from our next doctors visit but I still decided to email them and let them know. A day later the nurse calls me and says to come in early since they have an opening the day after. So here we go our 12 week visit. Driving there again with a heart full of prayer & excited to see our little one again since an ultrasound was ordered as part of our sequential screening. Just as soon as the tech turns on the ultrasound machine there's our sweet babe, active as can be, a strong beautiful heartbeat, and most of all a healthy, measuring perfectly. 
One thing I will say is that at the beginning of 2016 I said to myself and to God that this was the year that I would let go. I would put my own plans, my own idea of the "perfect time", my anxieties aside and I would let Him work. I knew at the bottom of my heart that God was not done growing our family and my prayer was that 2016 would be the year that our prayers as a family for a sweet little one would be answered. I had faith stronger than Ive ever had and I put my trust completely in Gods plan. This sweet little one reminds me daily that God is here with us, he hears our prayers, and he keeps his promises. His timing is absolutely perfect and WE as a family could not be more grateful for our newest addition to join us this August! 2016 was really about letting go and letting God work, personally needing to learn how to fully trust his will and how to truly have faith that he will never let us go. 

So although I've been MIA for a while Ill fill you in on how our pregnancy is going in upcoming posts! 

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