Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Magic Chicken

Ok...so its not magic...but it sure is easy! 

When chicken is the main protein source in this house its easy for it to start getting a little bland and boring! so ive been on the hunt for new ways to prepare chicken for the boys & myself. Off to the magical land of pinterets for ideas and inspiration....cause lets be honest pinterest IS the new google...ok maybe not for everyone...but for me...yes pinterest is the new google in my life...

I came across a recipe for One Pan Parmesan Garlic Chicken with Veggies from www.therecipecritic.com and let me tell you this dish is life changing! You guys need to check this out!

Not only was this dish absolutely delicious but it was quick and easy to make & this working mom LOVES that! I mean come on after working 8+ hours a day who really wants to spend more than 40 minutes or so in the kitchen after work? Id much rather be winding down the day with legos...or playing jurassic world, catching up on my book...or even *gasp* surfing pinterest for EVEN more recipes...so the fact that this entire meal is A.Cooked on one pan B. finished in 40 minutes from start to finish and C. Healthy and Yummy make this a new staple in our house! 

The chicken was cooked to perfection and the veggies were seasoned so nicely even the boys ate every last bite! Now why did I dub this magic chicken...well let me tell you! Not only is it easy...but it can be used in so many different dishes...I started off following the recipe as it read & again amazing! Next we made chicken parm with the same chicken...again sooo good! Then tonight I whipped up some chicken tenders with the same process...basically this chicken can turn into and work with so many different dishes...pasta...veggies and potatoes...as tenders...you name it it'll probably go great with it! 

SO thank you @recipecritic for introducing me to what I now call magic chicken! 

Till next time

p.s....follow me on snapchat for step by step recipes and other day to day things and whatnots...
-username- emily.sopt

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