Today I'm deciding to stop focusing on the negative and just be grateful for what I have cause really we have it pretty good. I have a roof over my head, food on my table (well cooking away in the crockpot), and a family (and friends) who love me. I'm given the opportunity to be an example to 15 amazing first and second graders each Sunday, and with easter coming around the corner we realize how much God has really done for us. In prepping lessons for these upcoming weeks I'm about to reflect on just how much God loves us, how much He has sacrificed for us, has given us, and done for us. His protection is constantly over our families, loving us in ways that we'll never understand, no matter what our faults are he always welcomes us home.
Today we learned about passover in class and one of the focuses of our lesson (other than the story of passover itself) was that in life we all have our Ups & our Downs, we face moments in life where we just have horrible days, things don't seem to be going our way, and nothing seems right in the world...we feel like just giving up. Amongst our down moments we have our Up moments, we have a God who loves us, who is here to help us move past our dark days and into the good, the Ups in life.
There is really so much good around us we just need to really stop and take a moment and look around. Today I was able to wake up, my family healthy, my family safe, my house standing strong. Today we made it to church, were able to be blessed with fellowship in Gods house, to be able to spend the morning with my kiddos sharing with them Gods love for us. Todays a good day guys, even if it doesn't seem like it at first, just like logan said earlier when I was getting frustrated over something small (I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for) he stopped me and said "Mommy...just take a deep breathe relax and start over..." When did my 5 year old become so smart? So take his advice if today isnt seeming that great and your just having a down moment... take a deep breathe and start over, cause the days not over yet and we still have plenty of time to turn it into a good day.
Usually and you'll have noticed that my arms are almost always covered, I have a cardigan on almost all the time. My arms are not in my opinion very flattering and something that I've been working on...well this week when I got home from class one night i was looking in the mirror and I flexed one are just for the fun of it....and I was shocked to see how my arms have gotten smaller and that I'm actually seeing definition slowly starting to show in! this is a small battle one in my book for sure! So this week I'm celebrating this little victory, this bit of progress. So there you go...this in this weeks photo let me introduce you to my arms...the arms that typically hide underneath a sweater, the arms that are getting stronger, that at one point held logan as a baby, that are craving warm weather, a tan, and summer dresses.
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old dresses are starting to fit like new! this ones been sitting in the closet for about a year |
This week marked 8 weeks into my journey towards a healthier self. 8 weeks of watching what I ate, of working hard, pushing myself to not give up even when I thought I wanted to, when that dang number on the scale wouldn't move, or cringe that it went up...(salt & I are not friends guys...makes me retain water more than you'll ever know), of realizing I'm capable of more than I gave myself credit for, and realizing that without putting in the work I won't get anywhere. 8 weeks have gone by and the best way I can put to you what its felt like to go through these changes is say that it feels like the weight is just melting away. I've been at a constant 1-2 average loss per week for the past maybe 3 weeks or so, I was expecting to be at that or just a little below this weeks, but thanks to sticking to my daily yoga classes, along with keeping up with eating well I was surprised to step on the scale and see my number has dropped by 2 more pounds. I really was expecting to see less of a drop but glad to say that Ive been keeping it constant at 2lbs a week and having reached my goal that I set for myself for this week. My total loss so far is down to 22lbs! I'm excited to keep pushing through the next 8!
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