Week 10 update: By Grace and Grace Alone
Easter is one of my favorite days of the year. Its a day filled with celebration, joy, love, time spent with family and above all its the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ. Its a day that is set aside to celebrate our chance at life & to joyously proclaim that we are saved by his blood, the blood that was shed 3 days prior for our sins. Easter is more that just a sign that spring has come and we all get together dressing in our beautiful new outfits and our little ones happily hunting for Easter eggs and receiving fun filled Easter baskets and meeting the Easter bunny. Today is about the celebration of grace, of love shown in the truest form through the death of Gods son.
Grace is defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings”.
We are all human and in saying that we need to also acknowledge that we are flawed. We are sinners…plain and simple, we have all fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and even though we are far from perfect God already knows this he knows us and he has written are our story far before we were even here, He still and always will Love us and He showed us this love through His son who He sent to die for me & for you. His love is unconditional, without limits, never ending, no matter how many times we have fallen, how many times we failed to make the right choices over and over again, or countless times we've fallen back into our old habits, thinking that WE know whats best, God is still there, He still loves us, He still welcomes us with open arms, He still showers us with Grace upon Grace. Isn't that amazing, doesn't that fill your heart with hope and a sense of peace? Easter is a day to celebrate just that! We celebrate the Truth that Jesus washed us clean of our sins, our past, and we are given a new beginning. We are given a new start, new life, we are free of our old selves and all because God has given us Grace.
“All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”-Ephesians 2:3-8
Now what is even more amazing is that Gods grace isn't given to or reserved for a select few. We are ALL his children, He loves each and everyone of us. We will never be left to walk through this life alone and theres nothing that we can do that can tear us from that love he has for us. He will always be there with open arms ready to welcome us home. He fights for us even when we don't know it, God is always there protecting us, watching over us, by our side through even our darkest times. He wants to us to choose him, to choose to accept his peace, grace, his love, his truth, to have faith that what he has planned for us is more amazing that we can ever begin to imagine. His promises are true and even though we go through valleys in life and go through things that seem to break us into a million pieces, He is there to pick us up, to walk with us to guide us through even what may seem impossible.
So today is a day I choose to celebrate Gods gift of grace. I celebrate that my Savior was victorious and conquered death. I celebrate the truth that I am Loved by an Amazing God. I celebrate that I am a daughter of God and I am saved.
Week Ten Update
This week went well. I knew it wasn't gonna be a week where I lost much since well ill keep it simple…lady issues…but that didn't stop me from keeping up with eating well and as clean as I could and making to yoga as much as I could this week. So with that being said I think it was a pretty good week.
What really got me excited was that Im seeing myself progress in yoga. I have been able to finally get into two poses that I was no where near getting into when I first started and thats really really an accomplishment! I cant wait to see where I am after even more practicing!
I had a goal that for Easter this year I wanted to fit into one specific dress that I bought 2 years ago that really never ever ever fit right even when I first bought it, it fit but not the way it should. It was super tight in all the wrong places and could hardly breath when it was zipped up, basically pretty dress but super uncomfortable. I really wanted to be able to pull out this dress and be able to have it fit the way it should…now another thing you should know is that its also about 1 size or so smaller than most dresses I own and material that doesn't have much give to it. So last night I pull out the dress thats been sitting in my closet for a good year and I tried it on…deep breath as I zipped it up…closed my eyes as I was about to look in the mirror…and my first thought was… “Soooooooo this is how this dress is supposed to fit and look….huh….” I literally felt like a just got a whole new dress (I had a back up just in case it didn't fit).
This week I said no to nutella cravings, no to the list of salty snacks I used to turn to and I tried my hardest to be really good this week. With that being said I was able to go down 1/2 a pound and I'm happy with that. Progress is Progress regardless of how big or small. Its all a step in the right direction and thats whats important. So total loss so far is down a total of: 25.5lbs and I’m really happy with that!
This week we also worked really hard on Logan learning his part in Psalm 23! In Romanian it was: "Ca Tu Este Cu Mine" which in english translates into: "For you are with me". He did great and all the little ones were absolutely adorable! Funny though how when they were finished getting set up on stage all of us moms rushed to the front to get a good view of our littles! All of us who grew up together how have our own kiddos and we've become those moms who are super excited and are there front and center supporting them just for a 5 word verse, I loved it! We also decorated Easter Eggs, which to my surprise was all Logans idea! unlike his mamma he never really insists on doing much crafty stuff he'd be more content playing with legos...but we according to him "HAAAAAAAAAD" to decorate eggs for easter! So thats exactly what we did! He even made a trip out with his dad to come see me at work for lunch Saturday where he got to meet the Easter Bunny....who he thought was hilarious! Overall this kiddo had a great week too!

This week we also worked really hard on Logan learning his part in Psalm 23! In Romanian it was: "Ca Tu Este Cu Mine" which in english translates into: "For you are with me". He did great and all the little ones were absolutely adorable! Funny though how when they were finished getting set up on stage all of us moms rushed to the front to get a good view of our littles! All of us who grew up together how have our own kiddos and we've become those moms who are super excited and are there front and center supporting them just for a 5 word verse, I loved it! We also decorated Easter Eggs, which to my surprise was all Logans idea! unlike his mamma he never really insists on doing much crafty stuff he'd be more content playing with legos...but we according to him "HAAAAAAAAAD" to decorate eggs for easter! So thats exactly what we did! He even made a trip out with his dad to come see me at work for lunch Saturday where he got to meet the Easter Bunny....who he thought was hilarious! Overall this kiddo had a great week too!