This week was a bit tougher than the past few especially since my allergies decided to kick my butt and was hardly able to get any type of relief, being super congested lead to some pretty bad headaches, which lead to just feeling not so great all week and then mother nature deciding to pay her visit but with that being said I did stick to my diet & was able to push through 4 work outs this week. Thats something I'm glad I was able to do because I'm realizing my body is craving the work outs now and not only that but I'm starting to understand that by taking that hour to myself to focus on myself has really helped me unwind at the end of the day which overall makes a huge difference in terms of my patience and overall mood.
Its nuts when I sit an really think about what an impact taking that hour a day has on my well being and I'm realizing just how important it is to take time for me time where I'm not running around doing errands, or cleaning, or focusing on anyone else. There are so many times where days go by and my entire focus is on Logan (which isn't a bad thing trust me he is always on my mind, I mean come on I'm his mom how can I not have him on my mind at all times) or on Moe, on chores that have been left undone, what I'm gonna make for dinner, currently Logans birthday party (which FYI i can't wait to share the details with you all about this years party!), work and just everything else that consumes my mind. Now theres nothing wrong with loving your family, with giving them you're very best, for being the best wife & mom that you can be but think about this of a second if you're not taking care of yourself and not just physically speaking, how can you take care of anyone else. YOU WILL BE BURNED OUT, I have been there, burned me its not a fun place to it was time to refocus and make some changes.
Someone once told me that an hour away IS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! I now completely agree and I'm so thankful to have moe who understands and is there when I need him to be and that he's totally supportive of this journey to a new & better me. Now as hard as I thought it would be to find that one hour a day to give up without giving up time with my boys, I was actually surprised that most places are open LATE so I'm able to go work out after bed time & I'm not missing out on spending time with my boys I'm actually still doing things the same way I did before, I'm still able to come home from work, make dinner, and still spend some time with the boys before bed time! Its the pushing myself to go that was tougher than anything, it was really about pushing past all the excuses and just going and its that feeling of once I'm done working out I feel so good, refreshed, and happy that I was able to do something good for me and my body which then leads to me being able to give my family my best.
As a mom I can now say that we all need that bit of time a day for just you, whether it be for working out,reading, watching that romantic comedy your husband would rather not watch, crafting, or doing whatever it is you enjoy you need this you time trust me its made such a difference.
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this is what moe calls my "mom outfit"... basically what i look like about to run a million errands for our big Super Mario birthday party next weekend |
Again this past week was tougher than the last four but I pushed through. In terms of any progress I tried to stay off the scale this week since from what I've ready when it comes to women and their monthly visitor they do tend to put on extra water weight so I didn't want to disappoint myself by seeing a number higher than it has been...but I did hop on this morning just to see where I am and to my surprise I didn't gain anything which in my mind is a win for the terms of any was only 1/2 lb and considering the how the week went I'm ok with that and not gonna be disappointed with a small change because as I've said before any change is a good change no matter how small. I'm in this for the long run and that means that any changes that happen will happen over time and they will take time so its just about sticking to it all and not giving up. Where I do see the biggest difference is in my jeans! YES its time to get a new pair a SMALLER pair!! The pair I wore today were literally falling off today! So although there was a small drop in the number on the scale the biggest difference is being felt in my actual clothes and thats a really good feeling!
On that note heres to a fresh start to a new week and thats how great is that! We have a new fresh slate to start off with tomorrow, what a blessing that is! This week is also a big week in our house: LOGAN turns 5 on Friday!! YES 5 years stay tuned cause I'm pretty sure there'll be a few sentimental & gushy posts coming up over the next few days. Its crazy to think that it was 5 years ago today that I got to work and my doctor calls me and says "OK Emily, I think its time for you to go on head over to labor and delivery cause I want to keep an eye on you for the day cause honey your blood pressure and lab work were not where id like them to be..." yes I will never forget that phone call...and would never have thought that it would be the start of a week that would change our lives forever...
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one of my very last belly pictures I had right before Logan came: this was at the end of 34 weeks about to start 35 weeks and the last week of him in my belly before his arrival @ 36 weeks |
Em, im so proud of you and everything your pushing to accomplish!! I wish you so much luck!! And you always had a great mind set even in grammer school!! Miss you