I am so thankful to have the family that I do. I was blessed to have grown up in a household with parents who loved us, who raised us to know right from wrong, they supported our dreams and did whatever they could to help us succeed. I am so grateful to know that I have them and I can honestly say that the older you get the closer you get to your parents, you realize that all those years that they didn't let you do whatever you wanted was actually to benefit you and not to hurt you. That when your mom tracks you down at the restaurant you're at with your friends to remind you that curfew is 1130 and not to be late (this was before cell phones) wasn't to embarrass you it was because she wanted to know that you made it home safe. I totally get it now, I understand the kind of worry a mother feels for her children and logans only 4, Lord give me strength for when he hits 16!!
So thank you Mom for all those sleepless nights, for that mothers intuition that you have that like no others, for being the best mom ever! Then theres my dad, he is one of the hardest working men Ive ever known constantly making sure that his family is taken care of always wanting and trying to do whats best for his family. Always reminding us to be happy and that everything will be ok that God is good and not to worry because theres no reason to worry as long as we stay close to God and work hard everything will work its way out. I am so grateful for the lessons they've taught us over the years that will stay in our hearts AND minds forever! Especially the constant reminder from dad before we went anywhere to " ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING".
I will never be able to repay them for all the sacrifices and will forever be appreciative of their constant hardwork and a constant prayer we pray is for their health, that god protects them and blesses them. Not only are they amazing parents but when it comes to their roles as Bunu & Buni there is no arguing that they are the best! constantly excited to see logan, to play with him, spend time with him and spoil him the way only grandparents can.
I think though what i am most grateful for when it comes to my parents is the way that they raised us. always to be faithful, close to God, to always make him our center in ever part of our lives. That there is never a reason to be upset or angry, so we should always have a smile on our faces, as dad would always say. God has been so good to us by blessing us with parents like ours and I will forever be thankful for them.
Then theres my siblings. We may not be the most affectionate but we without a doubt love each other. although we are busy in our own ways I know that if I need them they will be there. I am so proud of who the adults they are becoming and how god is working through them, they are not only examples to me but to everyone around them. I know its hard to find time with the craziness of life to spend time with each other but I know they are my siblings no one else can be and because of this I love them in a way only an older sister can. And I know we don't say it ("I love you") enough but thats ok because I feel and sometimes thats all you need. So thank you robert and & Ang for being who you are, for teaching me lessons even when you don't realize you are, for being awesome to logan and we pray that god continues to bless you guys! Yes you can each expect to be hugged tight come next Thursday so get ready!

Oh where do I begin with The Sopt Family! First and foremost I am Thankful for Mamma Ana (Moes Mom). She is more than just a mother to her 19 children but she's a mom to everyone. She is such an example of a Godly woman, she is strong, she is faithful, she is in constant prayer for all her children and grandchildren, constantly putting her family first before her self. I am thankful to her and Moes dad Tata Sopt for raising Moe to be the man that he is. I am thankful for them accepting me into their family.
God has truly blessed me with such great in-laws and I say this with the sincerest heart! Each and everyone of them all 17 sister-in-laws and 18 brother-in-laws. We are able to get together and enjoy ones company to be able to learn from one another, be there for one another and help one another. I mean there is never a time I can say we are bored when we get together. Our homes always filled with laughter, stories, memories made! They are more than just my in-laws they are my friends, some of my closest friends, they are my sisters and my brothers bonded together forever.

I can't even begin to explain what a blessing it is for logan to be able to say that he has 60+ cousins. he is never alone! He is able to grow up with them and always have a friends near by! I love each and everyone of them as my own from the youngest baby Bella (born earlier this week) all the way to the oldest of the bunch Andrea. Logan is so proud to call each of you his cousins!!

Gods truly blessed me with the gift of family through my in-laws and I can honestly say I
love that I married into such an amazing family!
So this week I am thankful for family. they are our foundation, our key support systems, the people who will always be there for us and love us no matter what. I am lucky to have such a big family to turn to when I need someone, that logan is able to have so many best friends (cousins), that Moe has this bond with his brothers that you wouldn't even imagine. The closeness that you have with you family is undesirable but it is powerful its a bond that can truly never be broken. I love you guys Cotans & Sopts forever and ever!
What I want to see for this coming year is to build more memories with my family because at the end of the day family is everything.
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