Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Be Still...

Its not a secret that I don't like when things stray away from the plan. I'd prefer to know what will happen next and know what to expect out of life. I am no fan of surprises and it's extremely hard for me to give up control. I am used to working at a fast pace and being busy is just part of who i am, being able to slow down and just let life happen is not something that comes easy for me and trust me when I say I'm working on this...

Over the years I've learned that although I can sit here and plan every detail of our lives and have a planner full of what our life should look like according to me that doesn't mean thats what GOD wants my life to look like. That just because I feel I know whats best for my life RIGHT NOW, God has something much better and well worth the wait and I just need to BE STILL and patiently wait on his PERFECT timing.

God is GOOD and HIS timing is perfect, I can't say that enough and although there are days when I cannot understand Gods perfect timing for my life and his plans for me, thats not FOR me to understand instead this is where i need to stay faithful and not give up hope for what he has in store for me and my family . His instruction for me, for you, is to "Be still and know that he is God"-Pslam 46:10. Its as simple as that just be still and know that God is working, and that plan is greater than my own. 

Regardless of what we have planned, life will happen at God's pace. Just because the answer to my prayers hasn't been yes yet, there is a reason for that and instead of driving myself nuts trying to pinpoint an explanation for why my plans to pan out the way i want them to God is asking me to be faithful and know that He is working.  Is this an easy road, of course not, especially for myself.  Does it not hurt to see life stray from my plan, absolutely, is it scary to not know what will happen next, I can't even begin to tell you how scary that is, but the good news is that God will never ever give us more than we can handle and he will never let us down. Just as it reads in Jeremiah 29:11"for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord. plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to prosper and to give you hope and  a future" and with that promise I will be still and wait on Him.


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