Sunday, June 18, 2017

Dressing the Bump

So with this pregnancy being during the opposite time of year I'm getting to experience everything during the summer months! Being pregnant during the winter you dont have to many options in terms of clothes...cause lets be honest your main goal aside from trying to be as comfortable as you can is to stay warm! 

Now in my opinion a summer pregnancy is a game changer in terms of what to wear! 

I am loving living in dresses! 

They are my go to especially with the heat! 

I've been pretty blessed in the sense that most non-maternity dresses still fit pretty well if I just go up one size! This also makes it pretty convient in the fact that well...I didnt have to buy too many maternity clothes...and if I do I can find tons of non-maternity on sale and not (which still costs less than most maternity clothes). 

Here are some of my favorite looks over the last 8 well as a little bit of a pregnancy progression.

Dress: Oldnavy
Cardigan: target
Shoes:Marco Republic off Amazon

Dress: Oldnavy
Jacket: Oldnavy
Shoes: ASOS

Dress: ASOS
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: DSW

Jeans: Liz Lange Maternity for Target with side panels
Top: OldNavy

Dress: Target
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: Modcloth
Chinos: Gap 
Top: Target
Shoes: New Balance 

Dress: Oldnavy
Shoes: Modcloth

Everything from this one was Target

Dress: Oldnavy
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: Chinese Laundry-DSW

Dress: Oldnavy
Jean Jacket (my fave): Gap
Sandler: Target 
Dress: Modcloth
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: Asos
Dress: Gap
Cardigan: Target
Shoes: Modcloth
Dress: Target
Jean Jacket: Gap
Shoes: Target
Dress: Oldnavy
Shoes: Target
Everything in this one was all from Target


So we knew from the beginning of my pregnancy that we wanted to know the gender basically as soon as we could find out! For me regardless of whether or not we were having a girl or another boy all I prayed for was a healthy baby. Now we all know logan was hoping and praying nightly for a baby brother, moe was thinking we were having a girl, and again I was just wanting a healthy little one.

When we were brainstorming ideas on how to reveal our sweet babes gender I obviously turned to pinterest, instagram, & youtube to see what others have done…hoping to find inspiration. I came across one video that I couldn’t stop thinking about because it seemed so us…it involved some tanarite, a target, and some good aim.

I showed moe this video and was excited that he also was on the same page as me thinking that this specific reveal was perfect for OUR family…now that it was settled we had to wait a few weeks till our gender scan and since we wanted this to be special we decided to schedule through Goldenview Ultrasoud in Chicago, they were so great when we visited them for Logans pregnancy, I knew I wanted to go back the second time around.  IF you expecting I totally recommend them!   

Week 19 finally came around and as I was laying there seeing my sweet little ones body, hearing that beautiful heartbeat and then it came time to see what we were having. I asked that no one say anything as I wanted to be surprised and wait till the reveal. So everything went silent, I closed my eyes tight and for what seemed like forever, but then the tech and moe started talking again and she said that I can open my eyes cause theyre back on the babys face…my first question was…”Could you see?! Are you sure you got a clear view? You positive there was no mistaking what you saw??? ARE YOU POSITIVE”…All he said was “yes em…I saw very clearly…we’re good…now you just need to wait a week…”

So week following I was curious to see if Moe would tell me…or drop a hint…anything at all…but nope nothing…And the only reason he found out first was because he was the only person I trusted to order the supplies for the reveal.  What we needed was about 5lbs of tannerite and chalk powder…and his AR15...the tannerite kit we found came from who was so great to work with, their shipping was awesome and we got everything quickly since we wanted to go out to the location the following Saturday. The kit came in early and after moe checked he let me know everything came in and then hid the supplies in a black bag somewhere in the house so I wouldn’t try to sneak a peek…which fyi right after our ultra sound he did the same by locking up the printouts we got in his car because he knew I wouldn’t try to get to them that way…I have a tendency to sneak peeks at presents…

Ok So Saturday comes around and all week all I prayed for was good weather or at least an clear opening that day so that we wouldn’t be rained out.  We’re all packed up and ready to go and as we’re driving through rain…rain…and more rain I just keep praying that once we get to Indiana that there be a period of where it stops just for a few minutes…as we’re getting closer and closer the skies start to clear and moe turns to me and goes “so you know how you said I would take the shot? Well I want you to take it instead….”  Now I’ve been shooting with him a few times and Im an ok shot but I’ve never done anything like this before…and the pressure was on…what if I miss, thats all I kept thinking about…I told him fine…but if I miss 3 times then hes gonna have to take the shot instead. That was our deal.

We finally make it to our location. Moe runs out into the field looking got a good place to put our target…he sets up his stand for me and the rifle…and basically says “ok…you ready…go for it…” With the target being about 100 yards out I take a deep breathe and take my shot…I miss…ok…well…let try again…deep breath…aim…and relax…there goes the second shot….and a beautiful…cloud of BLUE explodes in the air!! Logan SHOUTS: It’s a boy!!! Im having a brother!!! I knew it!!!

Another boy!! ANOTHER SWEET SWEET BABY BOY!!! I cannot tell you how happy my heart is that we’re having a boy, that Logan will be having a baby brother!!! I love being a mom to boys theres something that’s so special about this bond we have with our sons and I couldn’t be more grateful! God has heard Logans sweet prayers night after night for a baby brother.

We couldnt have picked a more fun way for us to find out the gender! What made this day a bit  more special was that we were able to take in the moment just Logan, Moe & I. We were able to dwell in all the excitement & emotions of it all.

We couldn’t wait to share the news with our family and friends and knew the following day everyone would be over to watch the video of our reveal. Most that came were guessing we were having a girl so it was so fun to hear everyones thoughts and guesses and theories based on countless old wives tales. When it finally came time to reveal our little ones gender! They were literally all taken by surprise, joy, and excitement. Logan was having a brother and you could see on his face that he was the happiest person in the room to share that news with everyone.

Check out the video below!!