There was no update for week 13 since we were out all day enjoying the beautiful weather and checking out the Volo Auto Museum. Decided it was a day for the family and thats it. It was such a great day and if its any sign of what summers gonna be like they year guys we’re gonna have an AWESOME SUMMER!
Week 13 there was no change in weight which is technically a good thing since there was no weight gained. Although its hard not to see anything lost I'm not going to dwell on that and wont think of that as being a negative but that my body is just doing its thing and thats ok. ITS OK. Theres no reason to stress over it because I know I'm still working out and eating right nothing has changed in that part of my journey and thats whats important. From the beginning I knew I wouldn't reach my goal overnight and that it would take time for me to get there, I knew there would be bumps in the road and weeks where nothing would be lost and because of that theres no reason to be upset. Instead Im proud that I stuck to eating healthy, I kept up with my workouts (yoga still, yes I still love it and even became a blackcard member at corepower this week) and am still doing what I can to stay positive and move towards the goal I set for myself to reach before I turn 30 at the end of the year. On that note although nothing changed and I stayed at 27.5lbs in total loss @ week 13 Im going to celebrate that because nothing was gained and thats a good thing and come on 27.5lbs is something to be proud of thats like 5x what Logan weighed at birth!!!
Week 14 was one where I knew I really had to push myself to see results. I wanted to at least see another pound off. I want to work hard to at least see (at minimum ) one pound if not more dropped a week. I know its possible but I need to be strong and just stay on course. Whats nice is that since they stared the road work down our street we are no longer able to park in front of the house…guys that means I get to get more steps in a day because we need to park 2 blocks away. This also means that since the block where we can park on is right smack dab in front of our playground we get to make a pit stop on nice days which also means getting more steps in. I kinda am really loving this whole you cant park on your block situation (probably would be saying the opposite had it been in fall or winter that they started this project).
Its makes me think back to when we were growing up and we would wait for mom to get off work and go straight to the big park every night. It gives us a chance to play and spend time together with out our phones, tvs, ipads, distractions. Just simple pure fun, the kind we used to have when we were young. Do you know how good it felt to just sit and swing with logan this week, to be able to teach him how to go higher….and higher…..and higher…..? How much fun it was to share in his imagination and become secret agents on a mission running from one jungle gym to the next? IT WAS A BLAST! So yes this week were at the park more than once and we are patiently counting down the days to warmer nights to be out till the streetlights turn on. I want to be able to give Logan a similar childhood to ours, one thats carefree and our only worry was if we can climb to the top of the trees at the big park or if we were lucky enough on hot summer nights to have the sprinklers still running by the time we got to the park, I want him to understand that there is so much fun to have without a screen in front of you and to get out and play is so much more fun! This week was one where I was reminded how when life was simpler and there were less distractions we were so much happier, theres no reason to have these phones glued out our hands because thats when we miss out on the best moments. I want to make more of an effort to just put down the distractions and be present. To be able to shut everything off even if only for an hour a day and just be with Logan & Moe, to go to the park, get frozen yogurt, run, play, talk and just be with them without the distractions of whats going on inside my phone. I tried that this week and trust me guys the world does not combust into a million pieces if your not checking social media every 5 minutes, you're not gonna miss anything, everything will be just fine, maybe even better if you just put everything down and work on building lifelong memories with your kids, family, spouses, friends. Those memories are work so much more! So heres my advice: GET OUT AND PLAY! Spring is here and if you haven't noticed the weather has been beautiful so make the most of it!
So with the extra steps and the keeping up with healthy eating and working out this week I reached my goal and actually surpassed it! I am now at a total loss of 29lbs!!! Thats a drop of 1.5lbs since week 12 and 1lb away from 30lbs!! I’m so excited for the progress I've made and the road ahead! I feel better than I have in a long time, Im happier, have more energy, and its kinda nice when your husband decides to surprise you with a new dress (yes girls he's a keeper!) and you see its 2 sizes smaller than you own and it actually fits! So heres to a fresh start a new week, I hope you have a great one! Stay positive you got this!
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Dress from the Husband! 2 sizes smaller than I used to wear! |